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Music: Going to Concerts Makes Me Feel Old

As a general rule, I don't get excited about meeting famous people. They're just people. So when I got the chance to attend an All Time Low concert on my college campus back in March I was excited, but not nearly as excited as everyone who surrounded me at the event. The concert was pretty good as far as concerts go. The band was just getting used to American crowds again after being on tour in Europe for a while. Being college students, we convinced them to play a lot of their older stuff (read: all the songs I knew). The half of the crowd that was highschoolers was naturally confused. It is times like this that I start to feel like an adult. When you realize that there IS in actuality a generation gap there. We are the 90's Kids, and they are...not. I don't think their generation has a nickname yet. We should fix that. Anyway, in my case not only am I a 90's kid, but my parents raised me liistening to 80's Rock and 90's Country, so I often seem even older than I am.

Before the concert had even started, my friends (who are a couple years younger than me) ran into the band in the cafeteria and took pictures with them whilst trying to not to scream. They texted me the pictures while I was holding a spot in line for them and I told the girls behind me. They were furious that they had missed the band, but I just chuckled and responded 'That's Awesome!' to my friends. I wasn't even mad. When the band returned from the cafeteria, everyone in the crowd started screaming, and when the band was gone, they all began singing their favorite songs by them. I was pleased that they were relatively in-tune, but otherwise I wasn't fased by this turn of events.

After the concert, I ran over all these things in my mind. Did my lack of exitment mean I wasn't a 'fan' of the band? No... Well, then did my lack of excitement mean I was a scrooge? My mind said no to that possibility too. The only answer remaining then, was that I was growing up. I am officially at the point in my life where I am more excited about the things I will get to do then the things the people around me are doing. Like napping. I LOVE naps. Does that make me old? Not really, but does it mean that I would rather stay home and have a drink with a couple of my friends than go out to a noisy, cramped sticky bar and dance with strangers? Yes. Yes it does. It also means that I'm passionate about the things I am involved in, but I'm not about to judge people on whether they are 'cool' or not because of the things THEY are interested in. Maybe that sounds off-topic to you, but I think that as we grow up, we stop judging people based on the things we notice on the surface and start to get to know them a little before making up our minds about them.

When was a time in YOUR life where you felt older? Let me know on Twitter @CurioStreetGirl!

Until next time,


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